Sunday, January 25, 2009

This New Year...

I'm definitely a little late on wishing "Happy New Year!" to anybody. But let's just pretend that I really am Chinese (the quarter of me which I know nothing about) and I follow their calendar. 

So yea, with every new year comes new resolutions. And I'm not going to lie, I don't usually follow-through. Never have. I've never been a follow-through kind of person, not even with my jumpshots---which is probably why I suck at shooting the basketball. 

Anyways, let's get on with the resolutions. Ever since I got into NYU, I've never seen myself accomplish much, and it's disappointing. Really, really disappointing. I often curse myself because of it when I really shouldn't have to. So this year...the year 2009...will be...the Year of Accomplishments! dun dun dun....

So first things first, March 21, 2009, I will run the Half-Marathon in Washington , D.C.

What led me to such a crazy idea?

Less than a year ago, I would've laughed at anyone who told me I would be running. I've always thought running was such a boring task. I'd always say, "If you're gonna exercise, pick something a real sport." I might as well just play basketball and just run around. 

I guess I should be laughing at myself. Mock me. Wow... so let's see, when did I start thinking about it? 

Last September, I finally figured out what I wanted to do after college (and for those who don't know, this is my fifth and final year so I've been here at NYU for awhile)---to join the US Marine Corps as an officer. Part of what I have to do prior to the OCS (officer candidate school) is to get fit of course. During the training, I have to run 3 less than 24 minutes (which I still haven't done by the way.)

Shortly after that, it just dawned on me that if I am to be serious about becoming a Marine Corps officer, I should be running more. And what better way to prepare myself than to run the Half-Marathon...and in the future...quite possibly the Marathon?

Then I remembered that my friend Monie ran the Half-marathon in Philly, maybe two years ago, to raise money for Gawad Kalinga, which means "to give care," and it pretty much is an organization that helps build a community for the poor in third-world nations. It doesn't only build homes but also makes sure that the poor are living a life where they can support themselves. It's such a great cause and for me, to do something like this is such a great accomplishment. 

I started looking in October and I realized that I had to qualify for the Half-Marathon by running at the very least, a 5k run. I searched online for available runs near the city...but much to my dismay, I couldn't find one. The closest one was in Philly back in mid-December, the Jingle Bell 5k run for the Arthritis Foundation. And because I didn't want to pay the extra $10 for the Half-Marathon, I needed to do a run before January hit. So with lack of hindsight, this seemed like a good idea.

December came and I went there with my friend Myke through the Chinatown bus, but because it was during Finals week and I didn't finish the paper I needed to complete, I had to choose between running the race or to finish my paper. I went with the obvious choice and ended up going to Philly for nothing... well, not entirely nothing. I learned that Philly's not that bad, I guess. Well, never mind... the Mets fan in me wouldn't want to admit that.

So yea, disappointed that I may never be able to qualify, I told my friend Cristy about it and she sent me some links. Apparently, it's so easy to find runs around the area. And why didn't I find these things? So December 20 in snow and icy weather (and I don't know why it wasn't cancelled), the Bethpage Ho Ho Holiday 5k Run happened and I qualified for it. I didn't really know anyone there and it seemed like a family occasion. Everybody knew each other and I was the outsider. I ran it in 30 somethin' minutes, just enough to qualify (the max was 31 so I just made it...haha)

But yea...that's pretty much what got me to run. More to come! 

1 comment:

neen said...

Dear Marvin,

It looks like you'll be ready to give running lessons soon--among other lessons--such as



1% Accomplice