Saturday, March 21, 2009


I woke up earlier than I expected to. It's 4:54 and about 2 more hours until the marathon. I'm at DC now and more than ever, I know I need God's help to finish this race. Yesterday was so tiring, coming in here through the Chinatown bus too most my morning and afternoon. NY--->DC just felt like such a long ass trip especially after people decided to extend the 15 minute break to half an hour. And to add to that, I finally arrived but decided to be too much of a guy to ask for directions. The DC Armory was in the SE area, and I ended up in the NW. Only until I went into a McDonald's and used the wi-fi there did I finally realize how far I've gone. So then I took a cab. $12 altogether and all I had with me. $12. Great. The driver started to bitch at me but that story will be told after I finish the race.

I would say WISH ME LUCK, but it would be better if you just prayed for me.

So I'll take it back Old School with this prayer...

"Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love entrusts me here, ever this day [night] be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."

Guardian angel, run with me!


the other day I received two scares. I hurt my little toe right after I got out of the shower the other day because I was rushing to get to the bus on time. I banged it on the floor, good thing that was nothing. Then when I was at DC speedwalking on a very uneven sidewalk, I came close to twisting my ankle. So close. It hurt for a bit. ...So yea, "Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom His love entrusts me here, ever this day [night] be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen." It can't hurt to say it twice.

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Friday the 13th... 0_o

And it's a little over a week left until the Half-Marathon. I've only raised $300 so far out of $2,300 and I just realized that I haven't really put the link out there as much. So here it is! Please donate because the proceeds go to Gawad Kalinga!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Three Miles Follow by a Jollibee Feast and Hookah... Does it mean I'm back to square one?

26 days away from running the half marathon and I'm definitely feeling the pressure. I feel that I may not be ready for it by the time I get to D.C.  However, this weekend, I kind of made progress. Kinda.  Though it wasn't the progress I wanted,  I will be optimistic and just focus more on "progress" instead of "kinda." 

I wanted to run a longer distance, but I guess that didn't happen. I only got to run 3 miles. But these 3 miles I just ran seemed easier than usual. I could've gone for more. Perhaps a lot more.

My Friday was unproductive training wise. The worst thing about having a free Friday (not that I'm complaining that my Fridays are usually for the most part free) is that you tend to get lazy. 

My Saturday was a little productive though. I got to do 100+ pushups quick before I headed over to Step practice. Then, after only 3 laps at the track on the rooftop of Coles, the security guard stops me telling me that they're closing. I guess they close the roof once the sun sets? I was so disappointed that I just decided to head home. It's alright, my iPod died on me anyways.

So I get home and figured, might as well run around the park. I lost count but it was about 3 miles. 9-12 laps around the park in front of my building is around that amount, I think. Something like that. I've ran 3 miles before but this one seemed a little easier.

After that, me and Lou headed over to Jollibee, definitely spur of the moment. I mean, why not? And if you wanna know the extent to how crazy it is in Woodside this past week,  think of a bouncer guarding the door of a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT. That's probably the first time it's ever happened. But yea, that's Filipinos for you. Just food crazy.  About 1 hour of wait for 2 Yumburger TLCs and 4 Peach Mango Pies for around 15 bucks. So worth it. Me=Food crazy... which isn't good when you're training. "TRAINING."

After that, we headed over to this place in Bay Ridge for hookah. We've been going there for 3 years. I got the usual Cappucino and slept over at Lou's and just played Xbox with him, Aaron and Genesis. Also saw Slumdog Millionaire, which I was required to watch for class (History and Literature of the South Asian Diaspora) last week but didn't get to. The movie is really good. It deserves the hype around it. The concept, everything, just well put together. So yea, now you see why I only kinda made progress. 

And about the Step team, I wasn't sure about joining it this year because of my training, but it's gonna be my last one so I thought that I might as well make the most of it. Our step routine for Battle of the Barrios looks pretty damn good so I'm glad to be a part of it. I just feel bad that I had missed 2 practices already and had to play catch up. But you know, the 2 years of Step experience on the team really helps. It used to take me forever to get the steps down, but now, it's getting simpler and simpler.

But yea, I have to catch up on some readings so I'll just end it here. So much to say, so little time.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Cold...

Coming from a country whose coldest spot is found inside a mall, I guess I've never really gotten accustomed to the cold weather here in New York, and that's after living here for almost 13 years. Yea you read that right...13 freakin years and I still haven't adapted to the cold weather. If I was a species of animal, I would already be extinct. I'd be that Dodo bird in Antarctica getting pushed out of the iceberg by an evil penguin armed with a heavy smirk, tapping his happy feet for a victory dance.

I just plainly despise the cold. I hate it. I have never taken cold showers; the water always has to be warm. And even in the summer heat, I sleep with a blanket on. I'm definitely not a fan nor am I an AC. Haha. I mean I've survived winters with just a T-shirt and a hoodie underneath my light jacket. But to think, I got through all of those winters. And if you ask me how I survived, I can't tell you a better reason than..."hey, luck was just on my side." That or "I was shivering loudly, running from shelter to shelter til I reached home." It's just that I wasted the money I was supposed to buy a winter coat for...on other food and fun times. But don't let that fool you. It's all just lack of discipline. The old me. But I really do hate the cold.

And now, I have to train outside while it's snowing, barely able to breathe through the Under Armour face mask I bought last December. That right there was definitely a good investment. (A big thank you to Amazon for the free shipping)

But what can I do?

I could continue to complain about the cold and just leave my training for when it does get warmer.

But I signed up for this. And I have to follow through. Like the jumpshot I talked about. In order to make that basket, I need to follow through. I have to put in the training necessary so I won't look like a fool come March when I have to run 13.1 freakin miles. Every time I feel reluctant to step outside the door, outside my comfort zone, I have to constantly remind myself that this whole thing is not only for me, it's for the people that I will be helping when I do raise money for Gawad Kalinga. If that doesn't motivate me, then I might as well quit now...instead of wasting all this time trying.

But when you have so many people to think about counting on you, it suddenly makes you feel stronger. I feel that... then I suddenly feel good about I'm on T.I.'s swagger level...and that's near overdose. I can't reach the Kanye levels. That's just cockiness. I can't have that. I'm all about being that silent guy...that Smooth Operator Sade longs for.

Then, lap after lap circling around the park in front of my apartment building, it gradually becomes warmer. I sense a rhythm developing to the swaying motions of my arms and legs as I run with the beats and lyrics that exit my iPod. They're the only sounds I hear in this silent night. I see no pedestrian in my vicinity with a car passing by on ocassion. Lap after lap, it gets warmer and warmer. And all of a sudden, I no longer feel cold. It's 25 degrees out and it's snowing...yet it feels like the heater's on. Is it June already? Am I graduated? If so, where's my diploma? Or did I pull a Hiro Nakamura and teleport my way to Florida? This just feels...good. Hah.

So you see...the more laps I run, the more warmth I feel. Now that's motivation.

Fuck the cold weather.

And now, it's time to sleep.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This New Year...

I'm definitely a little late on wishing "Happy New Year!" to anybody. But let's just pretend that I really am Chinese (the quarter of me which I know nothing about) and I follow their calendar. 

So yea, with every new year comes new resolutions. And I'm not going to lie, I don't usually follow-through. Never have. I've never been a follow-through kind of person, not even with my jumpshots---which is probably why I suck at shooting the basketball. 

Anyways, let's get on with the resolutions. Ever since I got into NYU, I've never seen myself accomplish much, and it's disappointing. Really, really disappointing. I often curse myself because of it when I really shouldn't have to. So this year...the year 2009...will be...the Year of Accomplishments! dun dun dun....

So first things first, March 21, 2009, I will run the Half-Marathon in Washington , D.C.

What led me to such a crazy idea?

Less than a year ago, I would've laughed at anyone who told me I would be running. I've always thought running was such a boring task. I'd always say, "If you're gonna exercise, pick something a real sport." I might as well just play basketball and just run around. 

I guess I should be laughing at myself. Mock me. Wow... so let's see, when did I start thinking about it? 

Last September, I finally figured out what I wanted to do after college (and for those who don't know, this is my fifth and final year so I've been here at NYU for awhile)---to join the US Marine Corps as an officer. Part of what I have to do prior to the OCS (officer candidate school) is to get fit of course. During the training, I have to run 3 less than 24 minutes (which I still haven't done by the way.)

Shortly after that, it just dawned on me that if I am to be serious about becoming a Marine Corps officer, I should be running more. And what better way to prepare myself than to run the Half-Marathon...and in the future...quite possibly the Marathon?

Then I remembered that my friend Monie ran the Half-marathon in Philly, maybe two years ago, to raise money for Gawad Kalinga, which means "to give care," and it pretty much is an organization that helps build a community for the poor in third-world nations. It doesn't only build homes but also makes sure that the poor are living a life where they can support themselves. It's such a great cause and for me, to do something like this is such a great accomplishment. 

I started looking in October and I realized that I had to qualify for the Half-Marathon by running at the very least, a 5k run. I searched online for available runs near the city...but much to my dismay, I couldn't find one. The closest one was in Philly back in mid-December, the Jingle Bell 5k run for the Arthritis Foundation. And because I didn't want to pay the extra $10 for the Half-Marathon, I needed to do a run before January hit. So with lack of hindsight, this seemed like a good idea.

December came and I went there with my friend Myke through the Chinatown bus, but because it was during Finals week and I didn't finish the paper I needed to complete, I had to choose between running the race or to finish my paper. I went with the obvious choice and ended up going to Philly for nothing... well, not entirely nothing. I learned that Philly's not that bad, I guess. Well, never mind... the Mets fan in me wouldn't want to admit that.

So yea, disappointed that I may never be able to qualify, I told my friend Cristy about it and she sent me some links. Apparently, it's so easy to find runs around the area. And why didn't I find these things? So December 20 in snow and icy weather (and I don't know why it wasn't cancelled), the Bethpage Ho Ho Holiday 5k Run happened and I qualified for it. I didn't really know anyone there and it seemed like a family occasion. Everybody knew each other and I was the outsider. I ran it in 30 somethin' minutes, just enough to qualify (the max was 31 so I just made it...haha)

But yea...that's pretty much what got me to run. More to come!